Public Beta

Don't get stuck in the CRUD

Moose is a data engineering framework to build OLAP powered data products in python or typescript

Icons displaying code, database, deployment, charts and success

From ingest to egress APIs and everything in between. Moose brings modern developer ergonomics to data engineering workloads

Data in with simple, powerful primitives.

Pure Typescript/Python abstractions to ingest data from any source, at any scale.
  • Ingest pipeline derived from schema
  • Managed stream processing on ingest
  • End-to-end type safety

Real products are better than ad-hoc notebooks.

Develop high-performance APIs and UI/UX on top of streaming and OLAP data.
  • OpenAPI compatible REST APIs
  • Built-in type validation and JWT authentication
  • Generated documentation and client SDKs
Line graph with a sinusoidal pattern labeled Monday to Saturday, linked to a database icon above and a code snippet below reading 'const data = useMoose()'.

Data modeling for software developers

  • Pure Typescript /Python
  • Auto-generates type-safe ingest pipeline
  • Governance source of truth

Real-time data processing, simplified

  • Native TS/Py functions for data models
  • Type-safety and error detection in IDE
  • Auto-orchestrated on incoming data streams

Data capture made easy with SDKs

  • Auto-generated ingest SDKs
  • OpenAPI standard
  • Many languages supported

Develop in your regular local environment. Run your entire production stack as a local dev server, then deploy confidently.

  • Work in your favorite IDE
  • Hot reload latest changes to local dev server
  • Iterate locally with full pipeline visibility
Code editor displaying a 'page.tsx' file with JSON data, including timestamps and a disclaimer about Bitcoin price index data.

Batteries included, open-source infrastructure.

Focus on your business logic. Moose manages the infrastructure and the glue under the hood.
  • Rust webserver for ingress and egress
  • Managed ClickHouse and Redpanda
  • Orchestrated processing and jobs
Diagram with three connected icons: a server stack on the left, a central processing unit with a database icon above, and a table grid on the right, representing data flow and processing.

Batman utility belt in a handy CLI.

All the little helper tools a developer could want to make big data development a little less painful.
  • Real-time observability for local workloads
  • Preview data directly in terminal
  • Provide rich context for Aurora agent and AI co-pilots
Terminal output showing the command $ moose-cli dev followed by logs indicating 'Post/ingest/event' and 'Received raw event → Event'.

Build production-grade data apps in Python and Typescript with primitives for ingest, transformation, and insights

High performance ingestion pipeline generated from simple data schemas

import { Key } from "@514labs/moose-lib";

export interface Foo {
  id: Key<string>;
  text: string;
  value: number;
  timestamp: number; // Unix timestamp in seconds

export interface Bar {
  id: Key<string>;
  uppercaseText: string; // Will be transformed to uppercase
  doubledValue: number; // Will be transformed by multiplication
  utcTimestamp: Date; // Will be converted to Date object
Ingest API










Egress API


Get to production in 1-click. Boreal is a cloud hosting platform for your Moose projects

Private Beta

Host with us on Boreal. Quickly, securely, scalably get your data-intensive application into production.

Vertical list of words with rounded rectangle outlines: Redpanda, Clickhouse, Moose, Python
We're hiring
2025 All rights reserved